Comments on: hand dyed pasta necklaces Crafts and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers to Tweens Tue, 30 Apr 2019 06:20:02 +0000 hourly 1 By: Donna C. Douthit Sat, 17 May 2014 16:02:53 +0000 When one of my sons was in kindergarten he made a dyed pasta necklace for me for Mother’s Day. I got all dressed up to go out for brunch that day and he looked at me sadly and said, “Aren”t you going to wear your necklace I made, Mama? Don’t you like it?” He only called me Mama at that point when he was sick or feeling insecure. I told him of course I loved it and made some excuse of waiting until the last moment to put it on. It really looked hideous with my clothing. But, if I had any reservations about it, the beam on his face put them to rest. I got a lot of strange looks at the restaurant that day, but I just told him that everyone was noticing his beautiful gift. My little boy turned 32 recently and on Mother’s Day recently told me how proud he was that I actually wore his necklace in public that morning.

I came across your site accidentally. Thanks for the memory!

By: Cynthia Tue, 14 May 2013 00:59:11 +0000 Pasta necklaces! I remember making these when I was a kid! 🙂

By: MultiTestingMom Mon, 13 May 2013 22:48:59 +0000 What great photographs and I LOVE the activity – kids love to make these necklaces!
You should come and link up some of your amazing child friendly craft/activity posts on Wednesdays on our Artsy Play Wednesday linky! We pin all entries!
