Comments on: When Your Child Won’t Poop on the Potty – Real Solutions that Work Crafts and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers to Tweens Thu, 17 Dec 2020 20:34:46 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jackie Currie Mon, 22 Oct 2018 02:53:48 +0000 In reply to Amey.

Oh gosh, we’ve had so many conversations about this issue on my page, Amey, but I don’t have links for them. I compiled some of the best suggestions for this post. Here’s one thread that I did keep a link to though. You may find it helpful:
Alternatively, you can go to my Facebook page, and in the left hand sidebar, select POSTS. Then in the right hand sidebar, a field called “search for posts on this page” will appear. Type POOP into that field, and you’ll pull up all the posts related to that topic. You’ll see my potty training post appear often because I share it so much. Ignore those, and look for the “help a fellow follower” questions. I hope that helps!

By: Amey Fri, 19 Oct 2018 19:29:10 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

This is my problem with my 3yr old boy too. We have tried EVERYTHING. He doesn’t care about bribes or incentives, he doesn’t care about being in a spoiled diaper. He isn’t afraid of the potty, and will happily pour the poop out of his diaper into the toilet and flush it down. He just will not, not matter what, poop on the potty. I tried to search for the comments from your Facebook page from September 19, 2017, but I couldn’t find the post. Can you please tell me (or link me to) any helpful suggestions?

By: Jo B Thu, 14 Jun 2018 06:49:18 +0000 My son (only child) was VERY strong-willed, and had done everything else on his own time, usually earlier than expected. He pee trained by 2 1/2, but as we approached his 3rd bday, he was still not pooping in the potty. We were going on a cruise right after he turned 3, and I knew he would really enjoy being in the kids program, but he had to be fully toilet trained. So, I discussed his fears with him (sitting on the potty made him feel like he would get sucked in). I also explained that poop was the food our body didn’t need, so it didn’t keep it. We read several books about poop/fear of pooping/etc.

3 weeks til our cruise, we still hadn’t pooped in the potty. We were outside one day, playing with the neighbor boys (5 & 8) and something occurred to me. My son was VERY competitive, so I asked them, “Hey, do you guys poop on the potty, or in your pants?” Their faves scrunched up, and they said, “Eww. No way! Only babies poop in their pants! We poop on the potty!” I said nothing else about it.

The next morning, he pooped in the potty, and never looked back! After sharing this with several of my Mom friends, who were going thru the same thing, we helped FOUR other boys start using the potty, by asking my son the same question, in front of them!

So, if you have a competitive-personality boy (I can’t speak to girls), try it. Don’t make to big a deal of it…let them think it’s their own idea!

By: Lexar Thu, 19 Apr 2018 18:41:04 +0000 In reply to kristy.

How did you eventually get the second one to poop on the potty? going through this right now with identical twin girls…

By: happyhooligans Mon, 18 Sep 2017 15:28:58 +0000 In reply to Wink.

I’m posting your comment on my Facebook page tomorrow morning at 730 am EST. Check in there to see if others have any solutions for you!

By: Wink Thu, 14 Sep 2017 05:58:38 +0000 I’m already frustrated with potty training. Sometimes my almost 3-yr-old would act out kicking me if I refused to put his diaper on. He’d cry for as long as he can unless I put on the diaper. I’ve done everything mentioned on here but nothing worked.

By: Nicole Teremchuk Thu, 02 Feb 2017 19:05:04 +0000 In reply to Jen.

I agree whole-heartedly with your comments. I too, was upset by the suggestion that you should tell your child that “poop” is “yucky.”
You are absolutely correct in saying that children view poop as an extension of themselves & they need to be supported in feeling that having a BM is a healthy and normal part of everyone’s life. labeling poop as being yucky only shames the child and creates feelings of embarrassment.

By: Rach Sun, 06 Nov 2016 14:07:00 +0000 In reply to Claudia.

i think that is my 3 years olds problem he pees like a champ doesnt even accidents at night or naps. He has sat on the toilet and we have read stories. But no poop he will even come tell me if he is in big boy undies that he has to phooie. He has had reflux since he was tiny and it really acts up when he is pooping so i think he likes to stand and move around for that reason. Any suggestions ..

By: happyhooligans Wed, 25 May 2016 15:45:58 +0000 In reply to Claudia.

You raise a really interesting point about standing, Claudia. I had never considered that before!

By: Claudia Wed, 25 May 2016 11:12:50 +0000 You talk about diapers, but no one seem to think even about the fact that, maybe, our children refuse to use the potty because they are used to poop standing!This is what I think is the problem, not that they want to poop only in their diapers. My son is 3 and he pees on the potty, but he only pooped 2 or 3 times and only because I knew “it” was coming. I did not use any rewards because I don’t think it will work. I do like the idea of potty castle!
That being said, I do not wind up about it because I am sure he will, eventually understand an do the right thing :).

By: happyhooligans Thu, 12 May 2016 14:38:19 +0000 In reply to Samantha Bowman.

It sounds like she’s definitely showing interest, Samantha. That’s a good sign!

By: Samantha Bowman Thu, 12 May 2016 08:43:59 +0000 In reply to Emily W..

My daughter is almost 2 so we are starting training very soon. But for the last few months she watches me go to the bathroom. When I change her diaper whether it be #1 or #2 she basically wipes herself. So I hope using the potty is quick and easy for her

By: cassie Mon, 07 Sep 2015 13:01:26 +0000 I tried them all and my daughter still won’t poop in the potty someone help she is 3

By: Emily W. Wed, 08 Jul 2015 17:50:46 +0000 There are some great ideas here. Normalizing is, in my experience, the best route, so I strongly disagree with number three, depending on its presentation. Poop is yucky, and so is pee, and so are boogers. Emphasize cleanliness across the board, explaining (age appropriately) that these are things our body wants to get rid of and are very good for it get rid of. An additional point I’d add that makes some people I’ve discussed it with uncomfortable, is allowing the child to watch you poop, including your genitals if it’s helpful. My second had unintentionally been shamed by someone else because of a pretty stinky diaper and refused to poop on the potty for two months after a full two weeks of mostly successful potty poops. After watching me one time, she was willing to try again. After a second time she had very few further issues. Something worth considering. A trip to a zoo to support the Everyone Poops book is also a great idea.

By: happyhooligans Wed, 01 Apr 2015 04:11:59 +0000 In reply to Anna.

Hey, whatever works, right? I think it’s fab that it hit you out of the blue, but it worked so well. I LOVE the candle idea too, Anna! Thanks for sharing that one!

By: Anna Tue, 31 Mar 2015 20:42:35 +0000 A few months before my daughter turned 3 we had this problem. I tried to maker her sit on a diaper in the potty, with the diaper on on the potty… she refused.
One day I just blurted out “If you do a poopy in the potty you’ll get a… nut!” – I knew she had wanted to try nuts but thus far we had always told her she doesn’t have strong enough teeth yet.
And guess what, she just did a poop! I couldn’t believe it. So for some time, she got a walnut for every poop. I had always sworn I’d never use food (or any other reward for that matter) as an encouragement for any kind of behaviour, but I just said it without thinking and it worked.
I remember I once read about the potty candle – tell your child s/he can blow out a candle after the pee/poop; maybe easier.

By: happyhooligans Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:05:14 +0000 In reply to kristy.

That’s what this post is about, Kristy. Tips for when your child won’t poop on the potty or toilet.

By: happyhooligans Tue, 31 Mar 2015 10:04:46 +0000 In reply to Morgan Buchanan.

Awesome! What a great way to transition your way out of the room in baby steps!

By: Morgan Buchanan Mon, 30 Mar 2015 16:46:03 +0000 My son was just scared I think. So what I did was hold him. He sat on the potty and I squatted beside him and held him in my arms and told him that it was okay that nothing was going to happen. He only went when I held them though…then over time I moved just holding his hand, to sitting on the floor in front of him, sitting on a stool outside the open door (Our toilet was in it’s own room) that took maybe a week and then he was able to go without me going with him….he would just yell, “MOOOOM! I POOOOOOPED!!!!” Meaning I needed to come wipe! ha!

By: kristy Mon, 30 Mar 2015 15:40:02 +0000 I have identical twin girls one of them pee’s and poops on the potty but the other only pee’s on the potty, she refuses to poop on it. What go I do?

By: Diane Mon, 30 Mar 2015 11:57:06 +0000 If you haven’t seen this book yet, look for it. This classic story makes this less scary by showing your child that all animals and people poop so it’s natural that they would poop too. Besides, this is hilarious to pass on to Gramps or your favorite uncle as a gag gift when your toddler is done with it.

By: Nicky Mon, 30 Mar 2015 11:47:29 +0000 Jen is right.. #3 is BAD advice and could lead to the very problem this article is supposed to help with 🙁

By: kirsty Mon, 30 Mar 2015 11:30:18 +0000 My son refused to Poo on the potty or in the toilet. I tried everything. He would tell me when he was 4 he would do it. He would put on a pull up when he wanted to do a poo then would come tell me. We would then go through the process of emptying in the toilet wiping bottom, flushing toilet, washing hands. The day he turned 4 he sat on the toilet and did poo like he had been doing it forever – no big deal to him but it was to me lol. My advice is just let them go they will come around when they are ready, the more you push them the longer it will take. Good luck 🙂

By: Jen Tue, 10 Mar 2015 12:33:24 +0000 i very much disagree with your tip that says you tell the child their poop is “yucky.”

Many times, this is a reason kids withhold their poop. You don’t want to tell them it’s gross, nasty or yucky, especially since kids see their poop as an extension of their own bodies. <—- and that is yet another reason some kids struggle with this issue; they don't want to see their poop flushed down the toilet. It's scary for them!

Instead of telling your child their poop is yucky, help normalize it. Get some books about using the potty. Everyone Poops is my favorite. Don't make your child feel ashamed by telling them their poop is gross.

By: Rosalind Mon, 09 Mar 2015 06:00:23 +0000 good tips!! I would add a couple of things.
1. Give them permission to poop on the potty. I’ve had several friends whose kids finally pooped on the potty after being told “it is ok. This is what you’re supposed to do.” One even had her pediatrician given the child permission.
2. If the issue is constipation, putting a drop of peppermint essential oil in the potty while they sit on it may help. It serves to help relax their body and help them poop.
