Comments on: What to Do When Your Baby Won’t Take a Bottle – Real Solutions from Real Parents Crafts and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers to Tweens Thu, 24 Mar 2022 14:17:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Mama Tue, 13 Oct 2020 09:27:07 +0000 Thank you for all these useful tips 🙂

By: Jackie Currie Tue, 27 Aug 2019 12:12:40 +0000 In reply to Srishti.

Here’s the link to the question on my Facebook page, Srishti. You can check it throughout the day to see the feedback you’re getting from the HH community:

By: Jackie Currie Tue, 27 Aug 2019 09:50:29 +0000 In reply to Srishti.

Hi Srishti, I’m going to post your question anonymously on my Happy Hooligans Facebook Page this morning to get some feedback from the HH community. Watch for it at 730am EST. I hope you get some helpful feedback!

By: Srishti Mon, 26 Aug 2019 14:13:17 +0000 I have introduced bottle to my baby at the earliest stage of one month. She was easily feeding from a bottle since then but now suddenly she is rejecting it from a month or two now she is 4 months complete. I have changed the formula, bottle, nipple, positions, person who feeds her etc and tried all different things still she is not taking the bottle and now I have to forcefully feed her with the spoon which she again is not ready to take what should I do so that she again start feeding from a bottle comfortably as she you used to do?

By: Rajjae Mon, 22 Jul 2019 12:03:04 +0000 These are really great ideas! Thank you. My daughter is 10 months and when she was younger she actually took her bottle no problem. Now that she’s teething she absolutely rejects her bottle and pacifier and uses me as both and it’s been rough. Gonna try a few of these suggestions but with her new sippy cup.

By: Vivian Mon, 31 Dec 2018 03:36:29 +0000 I took my baby to a chiropractor and she did magic. My LO had a very high roof palate that was overlapping. The doctor, lactation consolatant, and speech therapist all said my LO was fine and gave me these same suggestions. It wasn’t until I brought her to the chiropractor that she started to drink from a bottle.

By: Jackie Currie Mon, 03 Dec 2018 05:04:56 +0000 In reply to Bevon.

Have you shared this post with her, Bevon? I gathered tips from my Facebook followers, and constructed this post based on the solutions that worked for them.

By: Bevon Sat, 01 Dec 2018 23:34:15 +0000 My daughter returned to night shift. As a breast fed baby he dries all night and would not take a bottle?
Any help please please
Thank you

By: Nana Sat, 16 Jun 2018 16:05:40 +0000 My son and his wife separated when their baby was 10 months old because we found out that the mother was placing the baby in harmful situations . The mother was found to have a drug and alcohol problem, so my son gained complete emergency custody. The baby was still breastfeeding when the court order occurred giving him complete custody. Our 10 month old granddaughter has been seen by her the pediatrician, and they found the baby to be of adequate height and weight, but we had to start bottle-feeding, and she would not take a bottle. We bought all kind of nipples with no positive results.

The baby is 10 months old, and still needs the nutrition of formula, but absolutely won’t drink formula from a bottle. What else can we try to get her to drink the necessary amounts of formula to support her nutritional needs. She will happily eat foods from a spoon, and she will eat cereals mixed with formula. She eats baby food very well, but my concern is, I don’t think she can get the amounts of formula she nutritionally needs by feeding with other delivery methods. We have also tried medicine droppers, spoons and syringes, which might work briefly, but for the most part she refuses when it is formula alone.

My son has to work to financially support himself and his daughter. I, the Grandmother, am keeping my beautiful grand baby, and I really need some alternative advice for formula feeding my granddaughter. Like I stated earlier, she will eat baby foods, but she still needs adequate amounts of formula for proper growth. Please, does anyone have any advise for helping with formula feeding?

Any advice would be sincerely appreciated and very much needed.

By: Kathleen Steen Sat, 05 Mar 2016 04:29:32 +0000 These Tips are very important for every mother who have a small baby. Thank You!!!
