Comments on: How to Make Homemade Giant Bubbles that will Blow your Mind Crafts and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers to Tweens Sat, 27 May 2023 19:16:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jen Sat, 27 May 2023 19:16:25 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

If your bubbles are being impacted by sunny, dry weather, add more glycerin. It is a humectant which means that holds onto moisture, preventing things from drying out. As far as the baking powder goes- baking power is made of baking soda and corn starch. If you only have baking soda on hand, there really is no reason why it wouldn’t work. You can always add a smidge more corn starch to compensate the ratio but I can’t imagine the precision of the bubble recipe is that tight.

By: Lauren King Sat, 22 Oct 2022 15:53:05 +0000 In reply to Kristi.

I came across this post and made the bubble recipe for my kids today. If you add more glycerin, the bubbles will be stronger. (I added 4 additional TBSPs).

By: Dr H Wed, 21 Sep 2022 17:44:46 +0000 Tried this with my niece recently, and had the same issue others mentined. Made nice big bubbles on the wand, but we couldn’t get them to float free. Of course we did this on a pretty dry day, so we’ll have to try it sometime when the humidity’s higher.

I think 1/2 cup of cornstarch is too much. half of it won’t disolve no matter how long you stir it (I put it on
a magna mix for 4 hours!), and half of the rest settles out after a few hours. I think maybe a tablespoon or two would be plenty.

Anyhow, we’ll try it both ways and see what happens.

By: Candi Owens Sun, 03 Jul 2022 00:24:52 +0000 Made this receipe in a half gallon milk carton. It works great because you can mix it up very easily by turning it upside down and all around. It also has a lid to keep it contained.

By: Alexandrea Marks Mon, 18 Oct 2021 16:56:23 +0000 Has anyone tried pre-making the solution? We are going camping and I thought this would be great activity to take with us.

By: Jackie Currie Wed, 22 Sep 2021 18:42:10 +0000 In reply to Lindsey.

I’ve used it the next day, Lindsey, so I think you could make it up a few days in advance. Just stir it well, but gently – not vigorously, before using it.

By: Lindsey Wed, 25 Aug 2021 21:47:09 +0000 Has anyone tried pre-making the solution? We are going camping and I thought this would be great activity to take with us. I am wondering if I can pre-make the solution a few days before and keep it in a water jug?

By: David Wed, 11 Aug 2021 14:39:16 +0000 My granddaughter and I love your recipe. Thanks. As a veteran chef, I had problems with raw cornstarch. I couldn’t figure what it did. The solution even seemed better when the cornstarch settled out. So I tried several batches bringing five c of water to a simmer and liquefying 1/4 c cornstarch and slowly adding it. I did a batch with two tablespoons too. Both worked, the 2T version seemed best.

By: b Sat, 07 Aug 2021 18:28:26 +0000 I am a 60 year old bubble freak!!! I love them. In 2002, we were in Ocean City vacationing. I watch this bubble maker making the biggest bubbles I’d ever seen with a really cool wand. My hubby bought me the wand and I followed the bubble makers recipe.. the “secret recipe” is the BEST bubble enhancer ever!!!! Been making them everywhere I go since 2002. Never get tired of making them or watching the looks I get whether on the beach or in a campground or just in the neighborhood. Great times!

By: Marlize Sat, 17 Jul 2021 20:52:19 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

No we don’t.

By: Steph K Fri, 09 Jul 2021 22:33:44 +0000 In reply to JEANNE Bennett.

Awesome, that’s what kind I have!!
Now to figure out what to do in place of baking powder…

By: Steph K Fri, 09 Jul 2021 22:32:36 +0000 In reply to Helen.

Hi! 2021 and this post is still “poppin'” !!
For cooking and baking, I usually mix my own baking powder using 1/4 tsp baking soda and 1/2 tsp cream of tartar…because I always run out of baking powder, but baking soda comes in huge bags at Costco 😉
Has anyone tried a baking soda+cream of tartar mixture in place of baking powder with this bubble mixture recipe?

By: Laura M Drake Mon, 03 May 2021 14:32:50 +0000 Store bought water if you need it. I have a well and these don’t turn out the best if I use tap. Just another FYI tip. I’ve been making this recipe the past few summers, just love it!

By: Brad Tue, 30 Mar 2021 11:57:43 +0000 5 stars
Late to the party i know, but here we go.

Anyone having trouble with bubbles popping too fast in the sunlight, add some ice to your bucket of bubble solution or refrigerate it first.
Cooling the solution stops evaporation happening so fast, and the bubbles last long enough for a good chase around the yard before they pop!

Kids and dogs and so called adults all running around my yard right now making noise and enjoying themselves.

This is the best kind of game. One where they run round faster than i do! Thank you!

By: Kerry AULD Mon, 25 May 2020 18:42:35 +0000 Hi! Just be careful around dogs that love popping bubbles! My Father’s dog was a bit too enthusiastic and we had to go the vet to get pain medicine and eye cream because of the irritation. (The dog is nuts but thought I’d mention it 🙂

By: Lisa @ GreenMetropolis Wed, 29 Apr 2020 14:09:16 +0000 In reply to Lisa @ Fun Money Mom.

My 2 little ones would also love these bubbles…Especially now when they are quarantine and unable to go out…

Oh wao…what a coincedence in name.. .I am Lisa carrier running GreenMetropolis for sustainable living

By: Jackie Currie Sat, 11 Apr 2020 15:10:36 +0000 In reply to Galen Schatzman.

Thanks for the tip, Galen!

By: Galen Schatzman Sun, 05 Apr 2020 01:21:05 +0000 In reply to Andreea.

Use Fog Machine solution if it has “Glycerin” as the main ingredient. Then you can use that in lieu of water/glycerin mix. We did it tonight and it worked very well.

By: Jackie Currie Fri, 03 Apr 2020 18:49:19 +0000 In reply to Andreea.

You could try it, Andrea, but I’m not confident that it will work like the dish soap does. Let me know if you give it a try.

By: Andreea Tue, 31 Mar 2020 21:26:28 +0000 Hi, I was lucky to try this out at a kids event, since then we are in coronavirus lockdown allowed to shop for basic essentials so can’t get glycerine at the moment . I have a small bottle of shampoo that contains glycerine will that work instead?

By: Max Tue, 31 Mar 2020 20:39:55 +0000 In reply to tracy.

Walmart in our area keeps glycerin behind the counter. Ask the pharmacist.

By: Jackie Currie Thu, 01 Aug 2019 14:13:53 +0000 In reply to JEANNE Bennett.

Excellent tip! Thank you!!

By: JEANNE Bennett Tue, 30 Jul 2019 20:14:00 +0000 I found “vegetable glycerin” at Hobby Lobby in the soap making section. Made great bubbles.

By: Cathy Fortin Mon, 29 Jul 2019 15:54:39 +0000 In reply to Tina.

On dry days I spray water in the air to create a temporary little micro climate. Our water isn’t metred so I use lots. On our cement pad I can make the bubbles stick so the kids can stomp them

By: Jackie Currie Thu, 04 Jul 2019 10:23:54 +0000 In reply to Corilee.

Hi Corilee, We’ve actually never used small bubble wands with this recipe, so I don’t know if it would just blow a single bubble or a whole string of small bubbles. I’m sorry I don’t have an answer for you!

By: Corilee Tue, 02 Jul 2019 21:22:02 +0000 Hello, the last homemade recipe I tried made pretty good giant bubbles, but only 1 small bubble at a time! Does this recipe work for small bubbles, too?

By: Rebecca Tue, 11 Jun 2019 09:47:27 +0000 Hi, I tried this recipe and found our tap water was too hard for proper bubble formation. I’m an American living in the UK. The water where we live is very high in minerals. I found we had to use distilled water. Has anyone else had difficulty with this recipe using tap water? If so, it may be the mineral content in your area. We found switching to distilled water made a big difference. Thank you for sharing this bubble recipe. It was better than some others we’ve tried.

By: Jackie Currie Tue, 09 Oct 2018 14:11:05 +0000 In reply to Ariadne Brown.

I took the photos myself, Ariadne, so yes, it does! If you read through the comments, you’ll see that many others had the same success. For those who didn’t, I’m guessing the weather was too hot/dry or windy for the bubbles to work. Weather plays a key role in the success of the bubbles. You want to do this on a day on a humid day. It’s best when the skies are overcast or you’re in the shade as dry heat and wind will dry out the bubbles and they’ll pop quickly.

By: Ariadne Brown Mon, 08 Oct 2018 20:47:39 +0000 Does it really work that well?

By: Sheila Wed, 19 Sep 2018 02:29:01 +0000 These are awesome! Was babysitting and trying to find something new and fun, and found this. The kids loved it and the bubbles worked great. And they want me to leave the recipe for their mom so they can do it every day after school. 🙂 Thanks a lot!

By: Jackie Currie Tue, 11 Sep 2018 14:04:12 +0000 In reply to Julie.

We’ve always used ours all in one day, Julie, so I can’t say for sure. If you do keep some for another day, you’ll need to gently stir it before using as the powders will definitely settle.

By: Julie Mon, 10 Sep 2018 17:58:59 +0000 Hi, I was wondering how long the bubble solution is good for? Do I have to use it all up in the same day?

By: Shahn Redding Thu, 23 Aug 2018 23:41:41 +0000 Hey Jackie,

I just wanted to thank you for making this post!

Five months ago I came across it and decided to have a try making some big bubbles. My Kids loved it and I have since started a local business so that others in our community can experience the joy!

Have a great day,

By: stacy gosman Thu, 23 Aug 2018 16:57:36 +0000 worked like a charm. took a bit before they stopped popping. no wind is important. i found glycerin at shoppers drug mart (drug store)

By: Jackie Currie Sun, 19 Aug 2018 01:00:26 +0000 In reply to Zoe.

Hi Zoe. I explain, in the post, how to make ours with straws and string. 🙂

By: Jackie Currie Sun, 19 Aug 2018 00:59:53 +0000 In reply to Zoe.

Hi Zoe. I explain in the post how to make ours with straws and strings.:)

By: Zoe Thu, 16 Aug 2018 00:09:01 +0000 Hi , love to try this, where did ou get the bubble wands or stick to make the bubble with one you made the mixture?

By: stephanie Mon, 09 Jul 2018 19:19:46 +0000 Would this still work if I cut all the ingredients in half?

By: Henry Sat, 16 Jun 2018 20:33:17 +0000 In reply to Patty.

@Patty: Could you share the recipe and prep instructions for the shampoo and glycerin? Seems to be simple enough…
Thank you!

By: Greg Berge Thu, 14 Jun 2018 14:40:53 +0000 Been making my own giant bubble mix on and off for 30 years. Simple original Dawn, distilled water and Glycerin works best. The fewer impurities, fragrances, extra ingredients the better. I could see Baking Soda if you used tap water and needed to soften the water but Baking Soda is designed to leaven bread not increase surface tension of a liquid. Same with Corn Starch/Syrup. They are both thickening agents and can transform water into a “non Newtonian fluid” aka Oobleck. That property serves no purpose in a bubble. Simple original Dawn with no added “grease cutter” or scents, distilled not purified water. Glycerin is sold at Walmart for less than 4 bucks. I usually just make my want out of a coat hanger. Take a cheap pair of round woven cotton shoelaces or similar. Cut the eyelets off and thread the coat hangar through the middle of the shoelace. Cut off any excess then bend/twist wire to form loop of desired size.. A bubble mixture that is perfect one day can be useless the next day. Humidity levels make a big difference in bubble formation. The soap to water ratio. in your mix is altered by the moisture levels in the air as you create the bubble. Ber patient.

By: Jonnie Johnston Sun, 08 Apr 2018 02:46:26 +0000 5 stars
I’ve tried this bubble recipe. And it’s fantastic! Even the older kids AND the parents got involved with the fun. It was great!

By: happyhooligans Fri, 03 Nov 2017 04:36:32 +0000 In reply to Gladys.

Do you have Fairy Liquid? I’ve heard that works really well.

By: Gladys Thu, 02 Nov 2017 08:48:39 +0000 In reply to Kathie Merritt.

Hello, have u managed to make up a good giant bubble mix with any detergent in NZ? I tried the countdown home brand yellow ones yesterday it was okay for medium sized bubbles,. but not big ones

By: Bobby Hobby Fri, 08 Sep 2017 03:49:09 +0000 5 stars
Got my Glycerine at Michael’s craft store. About $4. It’s in the baking area with food coloring and stuff.

By: Kendra Sat, 19 Aug 2017 12:23:42 +0000 Made these yesterday for a birthday party today! Awesome recipe!! Thank you for all the tips. We were starting to be discouraged when the bubbles kept popping at first. They are gigantic and don’t pop easily after waiting overnight!

By: Andrea Drever Sat, 08 Jul 2017 19:47:40 +0000 5 stars
So excited to try this

By: Evan Thu, 20 Apr 2017 21:04:35 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

Hello, I live in Arizona and tried your bubble solution. The bubbles did indeed pop all too quickly as you stated, and unfortunately I had to resort back to store bought bubbles. Do you have any solutions or suggestions for your mix? Are there any alternative bubble solutions that you might suggest that are better suited for dry warmer climates?

By: happyhooligans Wed, 07 Sep 2016 03:02:13 +0000 In reply to Tanya McCallum.

I’ve heard Fairy liquid works well, Tanya. The starch does settle, and you can gently stir it but you don’t want to stir too vigorously, as this will create a lot of froth in your mix, and for some reason, that has a detrimental effect on the mixture.
Be sure to use your bubbles on a calm, humid day. Early morning is best before the sun gets too hot. Sun and wind and dry air will wick the moisture out of your bubbles, and they’ll pop quickly. Overcast days with high humidity are best. Let your mixture sit for at least an hour after making it. You can let it sit overnight as well, but it definitely does have to sit.

By: Tanya McCallum Mon, 05 Sep 2016 15:29:15 +0000 Hello
Tried your bubble mix and couldn’t get it to work. They were forming really well but they would hardly ever come off the wand and float away (they just popped before they closed into a bubble). In the UK we don’t have Dawn, so I used another liquid detergent (concentrated on one day and a different one not concentrated another day). The corn starch settled out of the liquid quite a lot and I was not quite sure whether it’s better to keep stirring it in or leave it separated. Any ideas? We’re normally good at giant bubbles as there is a mix we normally buy but it is so expensive that we wanted to make it instead. Help! Thanks

By: happyhooligans Sat, 20 Aug 2016 03:20:34 +0000 In reply to Em.

The recipe should work but the weather plays a huge factor, Em. Damp, overcast days with no wind are best. If it’s hot and dry, or too windy, the moisture will be wicked out of the bubbles, and they’ll pop.

By: Em Wed, 17 Aug 2016 23:54:36 +0000 I followed the recipe to a T! But they keep popping! 🙁 Not sure what Ive done wrong. Any suggestions? 🙂

By: happyhooligans Wed, 03 Aug 2016 13:46:07 +0000 In reply to Kinka.

I’m not familiar with potato starch, Kinka, so I’m not sure if it has the same qualities as corn starch. A thick dishwashing liquid like fairy liquid or Palmolive should work instead of Dawn though.

By: Kinka Wed, 03 Aug 2016 13:04:56 +0000 Will different kind of dishwashing liquid and potato starch work as well? Not living in US, so Dawn and corn starch are quite problematic.

By: happyhooligans Sun, 17 Jul 2016 17:03:18 +0000 In reply to James.

Sorry to hear that, James. As you can see by the size of our bubbles, and by many of the comments on the post, the recipe does work well. Weather does play a very big factor though. Humid, damp, overcast days are best! Also, try not to stir up a lot of froth when using the mixture. That will have a negative affect on it as well.

By: happyhooligans Sun, 17 Jul 2016 17:00:59 +0000 In reply to Annika.

I’m not sure what the cost would be for you, Annika. I believe there are significant differences in our grocery prices due to the vast differences in our locations. The most expensive part of the recipe would likely be the dish detergent. As for weather, I’m not sure if the actual temperature would affect the bubbles. It’s more the humidity or lack of humidity that affects whether or not they work. Humid, damp, overcast days with little wind are best. Good luck! Let me know if you give it a try!

By: Annika Fri, 15 Jul 2016 17:16:35 +0000 5 stars
How much is the total of this? Because this sound like so much fun for alaska! I would like to do this with my sister, but do you think it would be to cold? How much would all of the ingredients cost?

By: James Fri, 15 Jul 2016 06:20:08 +0000 This formula did not work.

By: happyhooligans Wed, 13 Jul 2016 14:30:02 +0000 In reply to Nancy.

Awesome tip! Thanks!

By: happyhooligans Wed, 13 Jul 2016 14:29:05 +0000 In reply to Lexy.

Thanks, Lexy!

By: Lexy Wed, 13 Jul 2016 12:32:28 +0000 5 stars
In reply to tracy.

If you’re still reading this post, Walmart has glycerin in the first aid area.

By: Nancy Mon, 11 Jul 2016 23:38:08 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

Dollar tree carries “personal lubricant” that is mostly glycerine, so I use it in my bubble recipe, and it only costs a dollar!

By: Martin Mon, 06 Jun 2016 03:42:02 +0000 In reply to Jason.

I laughed out loud at your wonderful pun. “The first several bubbles popped immediately, and I was feeling deflated”

By: Jeannie Mon, 09 May 2016 21:06:58 +0000 In reply to Melinda.

Melinda, didn’t you have to wrap the hula hoop with a cotton type rope or cording to absorb the bubble solution to get it over their heads?

By: Jason Sun, 17 Apr 2016 19:45:56 +0000 5 stars
In reply to Ali Gilbert.

Have made this twice with my kids and it works out great.

We’re in Ireland, so thought I’d share some info. We used green Fairy Platinum, although I expect regular Fairy would work just as well.

Detergent has 15-30% Anionic surfactants and 5-15% non-ionic surfactants. I have read that Fairy green works best and perhaps lemon should be avoided.

The corn flour settles out no matter what you do, but I found it doesn’t matter. I ended up pouring our leftover mixture into a 2l milk jug and have used it a few times since we mixed it up 3 weeks ago so it keeps well.


By: Ali Gilbert Tue, 12 Apr 2016 02:23:51 +0000 What fun! My daughter loves bubbles! Can’t wait to try this recipe!

By: Lisa @ Fun Money Mom Tue, 12 Apr 2016 02:17:01 +0000 I have got to try this! I’ve tried to make my own but somehow it never seemed to work. Now I know that I just wasn’t using the right ingredients!!!

By: happyhooligans Sat, 27 Feb 2016 00:37:51 +0000 In reply to fiona.

Yay! So glad you had a great time with this recipe!

By: fiona Fri, 26 Feb 2016 13:12:45 +0000 5 stars
Thank you so much for this recipe 🙂 I’m from Singapore and we tried this today it was so exciting seeing the hugeee bubbles!

By: happyhooligans Tue, 08 Sep 2015 14:04:24 +0000 In reply to madelon.

Thanks for the suggestions, Madelon!

By: madelon Tue, 08 Sep 2015 10:16:00 +0000 I did so much research and experimentation last year and this recipe was almost perfect…but I found that it was much more effective to first dissolve the cornstarch in 3 cups water and cook over low heat stirring constantly until it becomes this thick gluttonous soup. Remove from heat and stir in other 3 cups cold water and other ingredients stirring constantly to avoid clumps. The soap is added LAST to avoid foaming when stirring. Had lots of fun and am doing it again this year for the birthday party of my 8 year old. Thank you for your recipe and photos .

By: happyhooligans Mon, 10 Aug 2015 04:59:16 +0000 In reply to Paula.

Yay! So glad it was a success! Especially as you had hot, windy weather!

By: Paula Sun, 09 Aug 2015 15:53:44 +0000 This is brilliant. I live in the UK and have just made this with my two children. ( well I made the solution) My husband made the bubble wand using plastic straws and 2 long shoe laces. I used fairy washing up liquid however any thick washing up liquid will do not the cheap stuff. Its go to be thick. The day was sunny, hot and windy and it worked very well. Thanks

By: happyhooligans Mon, 20 Jul 2015 10:32:17 +0000 In reply to MaDnna.

Interesting! I have no idea why that would happen. We’ve always used our mix all in one day, so I can’t say I’ve experienced that.

By: Frida Sun, 19 Jul 2015 14:45:32 +0000 It was so much fun! Thank you!

By: Salma Sun, 19 Jul 2015 01:15:56 +0000 I like this experiment.

By: MaDnna Sat, 18 Jul 2015 00:51:47 +0000 Hello,

First of all, I would like to thank you for the amazing bubble recipe; my nieces and nephew love it.

Now, I have follow the recipe, but after I have left the bubbles (a new batch) over night, when opened it smelled like rotten eggs mixed with blue dawn. I assume this is not normal; would you happen to know what went wrong and/or how to fix it?

Thank you,

By: happyhooligans Thu, 02 Jul 2015 15:27:05 +0000 In reply to Claudia Ziersch.

Yes, dip the straws as well, Claudia. Do you have Palmolive brand dish soap? I’ve heard from someone recently who used Original Palmolive, and it worked well.

By: Claudia Ziersch Wed, 01 Jul 2015 18:54:16 +0000 3 stars
Okay, I live in Germany and made the recipe with ‘fit’ natural. No luck, but have bought ‘fairy’ since then and stopped at the pharmacy to buy glycerin to try again. My question is, do I dip the straws, too? Or just the string? It wanted to work – I even tried a regular bubble wand, but couldn’t get a bubble. Any tips?

By: Michael Sat, 27 Jun 2015 02:17:29 +0000 Thank you for this solution, I am going off to use this now with my daughter. Instead of using the rods that you have made though we have to thin bamboo stick with string attached at the end, not as much mess. Thanks heaps.

By: Nana Bubbles Wed, 24 Jun 2015 01:41:52 +0000 Hey Happy Hooligans…wow this thread has lasted awhile…how cool…been using your bubble recipe for about 3 years now…THANK YOU! using with the hula hoop & pool in large events for the community children….they are a super hit! sometimes the bubbles work well, other times they pop easier…probably the humidity…I just did and event last Thursday…scheduled to meet each Thursday thru the Summertime…sad to say my bubble solution is flat today…I’ll try to revive tomorrow night…I’ll keep you posted…Does anyone else have experience reviving the mixture?

By: keith Sat, 13 Jun 2015 18:23:19 +0000 A hint when mixing, put the dry ingredients in a small bowl and mix with a whisk with only JUST enough water to dissolve it. then mix the rest together. Consequently this is how you thicken gravy without having lumps.

By: happyhooligans Tue, 09 Jun 2015 12:07:08 +0000 In reply to April.

I’ve heard that Joy original will work, and possibly Palmolive. You need a detergent that’s quite thick, and there must be some ingredients that are critical to the bubbles working because there are brands that it won’t work with. I haven’t heard anyone say that Ivory works well. You could give it a try, but I’m afraid it might be a waste of ingredients?

By: April Mon, 08 Jun 2015 17:17:07 +0000 Could you use different dish detergent other than Dawn? Reason I ask I use Ivory for sensitive skin… sounds fun try with kids this summer

By: Raoul the owl Fri, 22 May 2015 17:52:18 +0000 I am a childrens entertainer and I also do the giant bubbles. I used to buy my mix from someone else but their recipe changed and the bubbles didnt work anymore. I have been experimenting but have had medium success. Tomorrow I will prepare the mix.
A big THANK YOU for posting this. I walk tall stilts & jumping stilts & unicycle & juggle & the bubbles give me time to get my strength back between disciplines.

Raoul The owl

By: happyhooligans Thu, 30 Apr 2015 13:41:24 +0000 In reply to Mega IM.

Thanks for the heads up. Internet Explorer is a very old, (and I think) outdated browser, and it causes all kinds of viewing problems for people. I’d stick with Chrome. It’s one of the best, and you’ll see sites as you’re supposed to see them. Most bloggers who want to stay up to date with their sites have them optimized for todays popular browsers (Chrome, Firefox, Safari etc.), and IE is just one of those ones that hasn’t kept up with the times. Thanks!

By: Mega IM Thu, 30 Apr 2015 13:03:53 +0000 Hello, I think your website might be having browser compatibility issues.
When I look at your blog in Chrome, it looks
fine but when opening in Internet Explorer,
it has some overlapping. I just wanted to give you a quick heads up!

Other then that, terrific blog!

By: happyhooligans Sun, 26 Apr 2015 11:29:11 +0000 In reply to matt cooper.

I’ve never had to alter the recipe, Matt. I do find that for the first few minutes that happens, but the more you work the solution, the better it gets.

By: matt cooper Sat, 25 Apr 2015 14:53:41 +0000 I’ve made the mixture but the giant bubbles won’t detach without popping. Do I need to increase or decrease any ingredient to make them better?

By: gagner a la bourse Sat, 18 Apr 2015 03:35:05 +0000 Puisque désir, au acceptation pour mai, m

By: happyhooligans Mon, 06 Apr 2015 00:40:32 +0000 In reply to Kat.

Oh yes, you got hit so hard this winter! You’re not all that far from me, so we heard all about your weather. Hope it’s all gone soon for you, Kat!

By: Kat Sun, 05 Apr 2015 19:00:02 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

Hi, we are about 40 mins north of Boston, on the coast. We were the bullseye/sweet spot of every storm! Over 100″ of snow this winter. So we are seeing the grass here and there. But still lots of plowed snow and drifted snow all around our house! Hoping it will be gone by May – fingers crossed! 🙂
Happy Easter and thanks again!

By: happyhooligans Sun, 05 Apr 2015 18:33:37 +0000 In reply to Kat.

Awesome, Kat! So glad our bubble recipe saved the day! Where are you that you still have so much snow? I’m in South-Central Ontario, and ours is finally mostly gone. Thank GOODNESS. Enjoy the rest of your Easter Sunday!

By: Kat Sun, 05 Apr 2015 18:23:48 +0000 Wowsa! Great bubble recipe! My kids got bubble wands from the Easter bunny. And the Easter bunny thought we had a big jug of bubble solution, but he was mistaken…unless it is lost under several feet of snow.
Anyway, I had all these ingredients on hand on Easter. So I made it. Amazing bubbles! Very elastic and so fun. We used Dawn Ultra, and it worked beautifully. If regular Dawn works better, those bubbles must be amazing!
Thank you so much!!! This made our Easter afternoon even better!

By: happyhooligans Sun, 29 Mar 2015 10:41:04 +0000 In reply to betty.

There’s a small set of arrows under the bar, Betty. If you hover on the bar for a few seconds, you’ll see the arrows. Click on those, and it will move the bar off the screen. Hope that helps.

By: betty Sun, 29 Mar 2015 10:11:05 +0000 I came to your site for the bubble recipe, but the social media posting bar on the left covers up all the list of ingredients on my laptop view. The bar is really awkward there and makes the site design very bulky. Too bad- looks like fun.

By: Bobby revue Fri, 27 Feb 2015 17:40:22 +0000 In reply to julie.

Thank you happy hooligans

By: julie Thu, 13 Nov 2014 01:04:36 +0000 Ive done this before one can also use a larg holahoop putting rubber boots on and stand inside the hoop pull it over your body and you are inside the bubble lol

By: happyhooligans Tue, 07 Oct 2014 02:12:37 +0000 In reply to Jacolene.

Do you have fairy liquid, Jacolene? Or Palmolive (green, original)? I’ve heard those both work well

By: Jacolene Tue, 07 Oct 2014 01:28:28 +0000 Ok, so I’m in New Zealand and we don’t have the same brand of dishwashing detergent, do you think other brands will work as well?

By: happyhooligans Sat, 27 Sep 2014 01:26:17 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

Great suggestions, Jennifer, thanks!

By: Jennifer Fri, 26 Sep 2014 13:29:12 +0000 Hi. I made this recipe and it was great. One thing I don’t understand is why cornstarch is put in the mixture. I tried another batch without corn starch and the bubbles were just as big. In support, I have tried many recipes and is was most successful with or without cornstarch. Suggestion for a large bubble blower: slide off the net from a butterfly catcher from the dollar store. We had plastic ones laying around…works out great. For tiny, multiple bubbles, we used an old badminton racket.

By: happyhooligans Sun, 14 Sep 2014 13:53:06 +0000 In reply to Dustin Covey.

Great tips, Dustin! Thanks for sharing!

By: Dustin Covey Sun, 14 Sep 2014 06:44:27 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

Arrowroot is fine, but try dissolving it in a small amount of warm water, and slowly stirring it in. The amount used will require adjustment; I’d start with about half the amount called for using corn startch, as you can add more if required.

By: Dustin Covey Sun, 14 Sep 2014 06:38:56 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

A great permanent wand can be made by cutting a hula hoop type toy into 4 equal segments and using those instead of soda straws. The thicker diameter makes it easier for small hands to use. Also if there is cornstarch that doesn’t dissolve in 2-3 days, try cutting back a small amount in your next batch – it’s only the dissolved starch molecules that are strengthening the bubble. ..drr

By: happyhooligans Sat, 06 Sep 2014 21:53:58 +0000 In reply to janita kruger.

Well, there could be a few problems, Janita. As I mention in the post, the weather plays a big factor in the success of the bubble mixture. Hot, sunny, windy and dry conditions will quickly wick the moisture out of any bubbles you blow, resulting in the bubbles popping before the even get a chance. The other major factor is the type of dish soap. I’ve only heard of people having success with the Blue Dawn that I recommend in the article, or with “Fairy” liquid, which I understand is a brand available in other parts of the world. Other brands are too watery for this recipe. Do you have Fairy liquid available where you are?

By: janita kruger Sat, 06 Sep 2014 21:22:44 +0000 We live in south africa. We made it today and didn’t work. What can be the problem. I used sunlight liquid SA to brand dish washing detergent.

By: Heather Fri, 05 Sep 2014 12:57:55 +0000 Trying these next week… My 3 year old will go crazy for big bubbles ! I love your blog and all your great ideas! 🙂

By: Laura Sat, 30 Aug 2014 23:20:23 +0000 In reply to Renee.

I read on another site that light corn syrup can be used in place of glycerin. I’m trying it tonight!

By: Andy Thu, 28 Aug 2014 08:37:19 +0000 Awesome bubble activity! My son would definitely love it.

By: Emma Wed, 20 Aug 2014 14:38:39 +0000 Thank you from Spain! Brilliant recipe, we´ve had an afternoon of great fun with it. Wands are super easy and effective too – a bit of technique needed opening and closing the bubbles, which meant I had to do most of it, but we all enjoyed ourselves immensely!

By: happyhooligans Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:21:22 +0000 In reply to Fardusa.

Yay! Aren’t they amazing? So glad your family had fun with them!

By: Fardusa Tue, 05 Aug 2014 02:06:28 +0000 Thank you so much for sharing this! Made the bubble solution today and my whole family had a blast. 🙂

By: happyhooligans Tue, 05 Aug 2014 01:09:20 +0000 In reply to Paula Kennedy.

Good luck with them, Paula! Have fun!

By: Paula Kennedy Tue, 05 Aug 2014 00:53:06 +0000 I have made bubble solution for years. I am going to try the giant bubbles this weekend with my four year old granddaughter. I got my glycerin at the grocery store in the pharmacy section. I live in South Georgia and we make bubbles all the time. I am anxious to see if the giant bubble mixture works.

By: happyhooligans Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:04:44 +0000 In reply to Lucy.

I got mine at a health food store, so I’m assuming mine is food grade, glycerine, Lucy, but I don’t think it matters which kind you use. The weather is key. A damp, humid, overcast day is best. No sun, very little wind, as those two things evaporate the moisture in the bubbles. Also, be sure to let your mixture sit overnight before using it. It won’t work well if you use it right away.

By: Lucy Fri, 01 Aug 2014 07:36:08 +0000 Hi, I must have done something wrong as my bubbles don’t work, I used food glycerine not one from the chemist should I have used that one? Is it better?

By: Lucy Thu, 31 Jul 2014 21:25:53 +0000 I think I might have done something wrong as I can’t get my bubbles to work, is there two types of glycerine and if so which should I use?

By: happyhooligans Sat, 26 Jul 2014 23:39:29 +0000 In reply to Helen.

I have no idea, Helen, but they work so well, I figure it must be in there for a reason. lol

By: Helen Sat, 26 Jul 2014 21:22:54 +0000 I made this today. Live in the Uk I and used Fairy liquid and corn flour. They were fab. Kids had a great time and it kept the happy for hour. What does the corn flour actually do to help make the bubbles????

By: Asia Pietrulewicz Sat, 26 Jul 2014 17:36:51 +0000 I live in Poland and so far I’ve learned that here the best choice of detergent is Fairy (lemon of apple). Also: I highly recommend you try a recipe with guar gum. It’s amazing and you don’t have to keep stirring it to prevent the starch from falling.

By: Asia Pietrulewicz Wed, 16 Jul 2014 17:28:35 +0000 I tried it with different detergent, didn’t work so well. Next time I’ll try Fairy. And if that doesn’t work, I’ll order Dawn in an US-import drug store.

By: happyhooligans Thu, 03 Jul 2014 17:42:42 +0000 In reply to Nataly Ponce.

Yes, I think any thick, unconcentrated soap would likely work, Nataly. I’ve heard that Palmolive is good, and if you’re in the UK, a brand called Fairy works well, apparently.

By: Nataly Ponce Thu, 03 Jul 2014 17:26:18 +0000 Hi! I don’t live in the US so Dawn soap it’s not available, would any other liquid soap woul work? Thanks!

By: Allison Tue, 01 Jul 2014 05:45:19 +0000 I’m laughing because I made this same recipe this week (from another mom’s site) and thought the same thing (oh, this does NOT look like it worked) and then it did, brillantly, and I about 1 cup of bubble lasted 15-20 minutes (with my one big wand while the other kids ran around popping them) versus the store bought stuff that I went through a giant bottle in two afternoons! This stuff is awesome! 🙂 And now, I feel validated too that YOU, the expert that I wish were closer so that you could play with 🙂 my kids, use the same mixture. Fun! Fun! Fun! Thanks for always sharing your ideas and talents. I have so many things from your site on my summer bucket list! Thanks!

By: happyhooligans Mon, 23 Jun 2014 10:43:39 +0000 In reply to Tina.

I’m in Canada, Tina. The best I can suggest is to wait for a humid, overcast day or to try it in a very shaded area on a day with little or no wind. The wind, sun and dry heat are the enemy when it comes to bubbles. lol

By: Tina Sun, 22 Jun 2014 22:25:36 +0000 We live in California where it is very dry and hot. Our bubbles keep popping as so as we make one. Where do you live and do you have any pointers to help us out? We’re pulling our hair out trying to master it and the glycerin is expensive….lol

By: happyhooligans Thu, 12 Jun 2014 17:06:11 +0000 In reply to Joyous.

It’s hard to say for sure, Joyous. I’ve found the biggest culprits are sun, dry heat and wind. They wick the moisture out of the bubbles, causing them to pop quickly. Heavy, humid, damp air is great, especially when it’s overcast. A grey day is much better than a sunny day. If it’s sunny, make sure you’re doing it under the shade of a big tree.

By: Joyous Wed, 11 Jun 2014 21:41:40 +0000 this just isn’t working out ~ it blows seemingly okay bubbles with a normal wand but pops as soon as you open the straws. What’s the trick?

By: happyhooligans Wed, 11 Jun 2014 21:38:46 +0000 In reply to Linda.

Hi Linda. I’m not familiar with arrowroot. Maybe “google” it and see if the two are interchangeable? Sorry I can’t be of more help.

By: Linda Wed, 11 Jun 2014 19:35:33 +0000 can you substitute arrow root for the corn starch ?

By: happyhooligans Tue, 10 Jun 2014 12:41:34 +0000 In reply to melanie klem.

I think that would work very well, Melanie. I’ve seen wooden dowels used so skewers should be fine. 🙂

By: melanie klem Tue, 10 Jun 2014 11:17:10 +0000 I’m wondering if you could tie the string to kabob skewers instead of using straws…or would wood maybe not work as well?…….

By: happyhooligans Mon, 09 Jun 2014 01:50:09 +0000 In reply to Joyous.

Hi, Joyous, Yes, it will settle a bit. You can gently stir it and let it rest for a bit before using. You’ll see some settling while you’re using your solution as well. It didn’t seem to affect our mix and the more we used it, it seemed to dissolve. Most important is that you don’t want to stir it in vigorously. If you agitate your mixture too much before or while using it, it won’t work nearly as well.

By: Joyous Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:25:16 +0000 HELLO! So ~ I made your recipe this morning and every time I walk by the sitting solution, all the powder (cornstarch or baking powder) is just settling on the bottom. I have to re-stir the sludge back into the liquid. Does it eventually dissolve completely? I did mix in just the water and cornstarch really well before adding everything else, so I don’t know what happened.

By: happyhooligans Wed, 04 Jun 2014 05:08:35 +0000 In reply to Izyan.

Sure, Izyan! Just check out the “secret ingredient” that I refer to in the post. Click on the link to find out what it is. 🙂

By: Izyan Wed, 04 Jun 2014 04:48:35 +0000 This is awesome! my toddler loves playing with bubbles! However, is there a substitute for glycerine in the event i couldn’t find some?

By: Carolyn Tue, 03 Jun 2014 17:26:31 +0000 We make the most incredible bubble mix at my work with the same liquid ingredients and the a powdered bubble formula that we buy. I bet I know what is in the formula!

Thank you!

By: Bill Sweet Mon, 02 Jun 2014 19:31:08 +0000 If you really want to do something new with bubbles go to the dollar tree or any other dollar store and buy a bunch of “Glow Sticks” cut the end off and pour the liquid into the bubble mix. Wait till it gets a little dark and the bubbles glow in the dark. Also in the winter when the weather is really cold you can blow small bubbles and they will freeze before they hit the ground. Some will break but some will stay whole and last a long time.

By: Shannon Thu, 29 May 2014 05:47:43 +0000 Great ideas! We’ve done the Design Dazzle version of bubble wands before, but they are difficult for little hands (and shorter arms) to wield, even though they want to desperately. The straw wands seem much more “little hand-friendly” — thanks!!

By: Vanessa Sun, 25 May 2014 15:39:00 +0000 teehee! the other link’s “secret ingredient” made me giggle like a school girl. I would see myself blushing everytime i saw a kid dip into the solution knowing the original purpose of the secret ingredient….also….awkward to explain to neighborhood parents who want to make their own for their kids….glad you found an alternative for us immature adults hahhaha

By: happyhooligans Fri, 23 May 2014 04:17:43 +0000 In reply to Jo Howell.

I’ve heard your Fairy Liquid works very well, Jo.

By: Jo Howell Thu, 22 May 2014 20:47:37 +0000 Hi, I am in the UK and would love to give this a go but we don’t have Dawn, do you know what liquid I may be able to use. I saw a referece to baby shampoo is that any brand? Thanks in advance Jo

By: Barbara Peters Thu, 22 May 2014 14:34:39 +0000 Great recipes. I’d like to add my experience regarding the bubble mix. I use baby shampoo instead of the dawn because it doesn’t burn when it gets in their eyes. I’ve found that using dish detergent can sometimes turn them off on bubbles, forever.

By: WebbletMama Thu, 22 May 2014 02:09:53 +0000 We made this today….it took some getting used to to figure out how to make the bubbles with the straw and yarn. Thank goodness my 4 year old twins figured it out 😉 they love it! One of my boys said “wow mom, beautiful colors you have there!” -referring to the colors they make when blown up. It will keep us entertained all summer. My 2 year old even managed to make mini bubbles with it. So cool- thank you for sharing!

By: Jerome Madson Wed, 21 May 2014 17:11:23 +0000 If you add some glow-in-the-dark paint, it’s an amazing activity for summer nights. I tried a bunch of different ones and found that Rust-Oleum worked best (

By: Joann Kochet Wed, 14 May 2014 18:31:33 +0000 I’m going to try this with my Grand Kids.
Thanks for the tips

By: happyhooligans Fri, 09 May 2014 15:40:45 +0000 In reply to Yaya.

Of course it’s toxic, Yaya. It’s dish soap. I’m fairly certain any brand of dish soap or dollar store bubble mix could make you quite ill if ingested.


By: Susan Catron Sat, 03 May 2014 13:22:25 +0000 Thanks.

By: Kimberly Graham Fri, 02 May 2014 18:48:46 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

Thanks Happy!

By: happyhooligans Fri, 02 May 2014 17:24:40 +0000 In reply to Kimberly Graham.

As long as the weather co-operates, you’ll be fine, Kimberly. You want it to be humid and overcast with very little wind. If it’s sunny, try to do it in a shaded area. Sunlight and wind dry the bubbles out, and they tend to pop quickly.

By: happyhooligans Fri, 02 May 2014 17:23:31 +0000 In reply to Susan Catron.

You can see it in the first photo, Susan. It’s a shallow, glass baking dish. 🙂

By: Susan Catron Fri, 02 May 2014 15:53:36 +0000 What did you put the solution in that they could dip the straw wand in, just the measuring cup?

By: Kimberly Graham Fri, 02 May 2014 14:55:33 +0000 I am making this bubble recipe for our neighborhood block party tomorrow. If its a big success I will make it again for my 4yo bday party… I am confident it will by all of these wonderful comments! Thank you Thank you Thank you.

By: Michelle Fri, 02 May 2014 14:32:29 +0000 Is dawn the same as fairy just I’m in the uk and we don’t have dawn

By: SpurgeonGirl Tue, 29 Apr 2014 02:59:01 +0000 Thank you for sharing your recipe and tips. Do you think this solution would work in a hula-hoop/baby pool scenario? If so, someone mentioned wrapping the hoop with string- any thoughts?

By: happyhooligans Sun, 27 Apr 2014 14:33:08 +0000 In reply to StephsTwoGirls.

Absolutely, Steph! Share! So glad your girls had fun with it!

By: StephsTwoGirls Sun, 27 Apr 2014 09:13:59 +0000 Hi Jackie, just want to say thanks so much for this, my girls absolutely LOVED doing these and I know we’ll do them again and again! Am about to reblog for my UK readers, with links back to you of course, hope that’s OK! Everyone should know about these!!

By: happyhooligans Sun, 27 Apr 2014 01:36:25 +0000 In reply to Gaby.

I’m assuming I used food glycerine, Gaby, as I bought it at a natural bulk food store.

By: Gaby Sat, 26 Apr 2014 19:20:57 +0000 YOU HAVE TO USE PHARMACY GLYCERINE (It is different from food glycerine). There are two types of glycerine. (DON’T USE FOOD GLYCERINE).

By: Liz Cairns Sat, 26 Apr 2014 13:19:48 +0000 Wow, looks great fun

By: Jodi Sat, 12 Apr 2014 18:58:01 +0000 Did anyone bother to read the ingredients before making this? I think I got the right one but I assume the dishwashing detergents are pretty similar:

There is also an MSDS sheet for Dawn Dishwashing Detergents. They can be found here:

By: Renee Fri, 11 Apr 2014 23:52:27 +0000 In reply to Renee.

Well where I live anyway 🙂

By: Renee Fri, 11 Apr 2014 23:51:42 +0000 Any ideas for an alternative to glycerine? I haven’t been able to find it anywhere here in Australia.

By: happyhooligans Wed, 09 Apr 2014 05:15:45 +0000 In reply to Kathie Merritt.

You can try, Kathie. I’ve heard Palmolive works well – the original green kind. I think the thicker the detergent, the better.

By: Kathie Merritt Tue, 08 Apr 2014 07:33:15 +0000 Would any detergent do as we don’t have Blue Dawn in NZ

By: happyhooligans Sun, 16 Feb 2014 22:45:09 +0000 In reply to ed.

I’m pretty sure any kind would be fine.

By: ed Sun, 16 Feb 2014 14:35:13 +0000 What kind of yarn works best

By: happyhooligans Thu, 23 Jan 2014 03:24:34 +0000 In reply to Alicia Stanley.

You can definitely make it ahead of time. It does best if it sits over night. I’m not sure exactly how far ahead you can make it though, or how long it’s good for (we never have leftovers).

By: Alicia Stanley Wed, 22 Jan 2014 23:38:17 +0000 Awesome ! How long does the mix last for ? Can you make it a few days ahead ?

By: Colin Butt Fri, 15 Nov 2013 21:43:31 +0000 In reply to tracy.

supermarkets in the medical section or at a chemist

By: Patricia Wed, 11 Sep 2013 14:43:42 +0000 Thank you, we’ll try soon!

By: happyhooligans Sun, 01 Sep 2013 22:16:44 +0000 In reply to Michele.

If it’s hot and sunny, they won’t work well, Michele. Move into the shade, or save the activity for a humid, overcast day. Grey skies and high humidity are key.

By: Michele Sun, 01 Sep 2013 17:25:43 +0000 My bubbles are breaking help

By: happyhooligans Fri, 30 Aug 2013 02:50:23 +0000 In reply to Kristi.

I don’t really know, Kristi. We’ve done this a couple of times, and both times, the mixture got better and better the more we used it. I do know that the weather plays a big factor. Overcast, humid days with very little wind are best. If you’re in the sunlight, move into the shade. The sunlight, or hot, dry weather will dry the bubbles out as they come off the wand.

By: Kristi Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:52:31 +0000 I made these today and they were fun. Our problem was they popped as soon as they came off the string wand. Any ideas what I did wrong? Thanks!

By: happyhooligans Thu, 29 Aug 2013 18:17:32 +0000 In reply to Courtney @ Teach Preschool.

Hey, Courtney. I don’t think it’s really fixed yet, but what I’m finding is if I re-try the link I can usually get the full post on the 2nd or 3rd attempt. It’s very bizarre. i think it’s a plugin that’s making things a little wonky. Thanks for passing my bubble recipe along! I hope your follower is able to see the full post eventually. 🙂

By: Courtney @ Teach Preschool Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:58:52 +0000 In reply to Courtney @ Teach Preschool.

Well, I take that back! It showed up right after I posted the first comment! Hope that means everything is up and running properly for you! 🙂

By: Courtney @ Teach Preschool Thu, 29 Aug 2013 17:57:34 +0000 Hey, Jackie! I saw you mention last night that you were experiencing some website problems. We had a follower asking for a link to giant bubbles. I gave her yours, but the post isn’t actually showing, just the comments. Just wanted to give you a heads up!

By: Pam Fri, 23 Aug 2013 20:51:04 +0000 In reply to tracy.

Try your pharmacy, ask at the counter.

By: happyhooligans Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:25:18 +0000 In reply to Mona.

Thanks so much for the tip, Mona!

By: Mona Mon, 19 Aug 2013 17:30:36 +0000 In reply to tracy.

Hobby Lobby has it 8 oz for 4.00

By: Melinda Fri, 09 Aug 2013 06:42:18 +0000 In reply to Patty.

Steve Spangler has a fun idea..I did this with my students last year and they loved it…get a small kiddie pool and a small hula hoop and have the kiddos stand in the center of the hula hoop and pull the bubble up around them! It was so fun to watch their faces!

By: happyhooligans Sat, 03 Aug 2013 22:58:29 +0000 In reply to Patti.

Wonderful! I’m so glad your hooligans had such a good time with their bubbles! Yeah…. you might want to keep the other recipe to yourself. lol

By: Patti Sat, 03 Aug 2013 20:37:42 +0000 Thank you so much for sharing your bubble recipe! I supervise the summer free lunch program at our school, so I made some up and brought it, and the kids had a blast watching and popping the huge bubbles (although I think some of them forgot all about eating)! It was fun seeing how the little kids wanted to pop them immediately and how the older kids were learning to watch and wait. I can’t wait to share your bubble recipe and website with students and parents! I’m not sure I could bring myself to share the other one LOL… 🙂

By: David Stein Tue, 09 Jul 2013 01:06:04 +0000 For truly giant bubbles, and easier too, go to the inventor who started it all at

By: Joyce @Childhood Beckons Mon, 08 Jul 2013 05:34:50 +0000 This is amazing! We’ve seen people using ropes and making giant bubbles at outdoor events, and I’ve always wanted to try. Thanks so much for sharing!

By: happyhooligans Thu, 27 Jun 2013 21:29:12 +0000 In reply to Ashley.

Bahahaha! THAT is hilarious, Ashley!!

By: Ashley Thu, 27 Jun 2013 11:02:37 +0000 It is early and I’m dying of laughter over here…. Looked at the recipe thinking who the heck has glycerine lol so I went to check Design Dazzles recipe to see what you replaced. LUBE lol now that I have.

By: kelly Mon, 22 Apr 2013 15:08:56 +0000 Cant wait to do this! I have five kids and they all LOVE bubbles 🙂

By: happyhooligans Wed, 10 Apr 2013 20:20:17 +0000 In reply to Amanda @ Dirt and Boogers.

Haha! Yes, I thought that was pretty funny too!

By: Amanda @ Dirt and Boogers Wed, 10 Apr 2013 18:36:17 +0000 These look amazing! We’ll have to give them a try this summer. I chuckled a bit when I saw Design Dazzle’s secret ingredient…hilarious! I think I’ll go for the glycerin instead!

By: happyhooligans Fri, 05 Apr 2013 18:08:06 +0000 In reply to Toni- Design Dazzle.

Thank you, Toni! Your post was so inspiring. I can’t wait for the weather to warm up a bit so we can make your bubbles again. I’ll keep your Summer Camp offer in mind! That interests me!!

By: Toni- Design Dazzle Fri, 05 Apr 2013 00:39:31 +0000 Thanks for sharing our bubble post. I’m so glad you and your kids had such a fantastic time. Love your straw wands. We’ve used those in the past – they work great!!
Contact me if you would like to contribute a post for Summer Camp : )

By: tereza crump aka mytreasuredcreations Tue, 02 Apr 2013 06:13:55 +0000 so making this. Next week, after the science fair! 🙂

By: happyhooligans Mon, 01 Apr 2013 02:58:49 +0000 In reply to Inese Bokia.

You’re so welcome, Inese. Thanks for being such a loyal follower, and for taking the time to leave a comment! x

By: happyhooligans Mon, 01 Apr 2013 02:57:47 +0000 In reply to Eileen L.

There’s nothing perishable in there, so I think it should last for a while, Eileen. I don’t know that for a fact though because we used ours all up in a couple of days. You would definitely have to give it a gentle but thorough stir after letting it for a day or two, as the powders settle.

By: Eileen L Sun, 31 Mar 2013 22:50:46 +0000 What is the shelf life on these? Can we make big batches or is it a day use kind of thing? Thanks!

By: Inese Bokia Sun, 31 Mar 2013 18:48:01 +0000 Thanks for these gorgeous bubbles and recipe how to make them! 🙂 I really love your blog! So much practical, easy and fab ideas!:) I am so happy that found you and could following you! Thanks for inspiring me!:)

By: happyhooligans Sun, 02 Sep 2012 02:29:41 +0000 In reply to tracy.

What a rebel you are, Tracy! First the tempera in the watercolour paints, and now this! lol You go girl!

By: tracy Sat, 01 Sep 2012 17:45:51 +0000 In reply to tracy.

ok well i made a batch of this lets see if it will work. i didnt have “blue” dawn so i used the hand renewal pomogranate scent and i didnt find the “glycerine” in the cake decorating section i found “glycerin” in the pharmacy it says skin softening on bottle….

By: happyhooligans Sat, 01 Sep 2012 03:11:11 +0000 In reply to tracy.

For anyone else who’s curious, glycerine can be found in the health section of most pharmacies/walmarts, near the bandaids and meds. It can also be found in some health food/bulk food stores near the candy and cake decorating accessories.

By: tracy Fri, 31 Aug 2012 19:09:07 +0000 In reply to Patty.

i cant find glycerine. whr can i find it?

By: happyhooligans Fri, 10 Aug 2012 03:34:07 +0000 In reply to Miss Eileen.

Aren’t they awesome, Miss Eileen? So glad your kiddos had fun with them! Great thinking playing with the leftovers!

By: Miss Eileen Fri, 10 Aug 2012 02:35:01 +0000 Thanks for posting this recipe! We just tried these bubbles today at our preschool and had a blast. I took out the leftover solution out later in the day and we had lots of fun sensory play making suds and “washing dishes”. We will definitely be making these again 🙂

By: happyhooligans Wed, 20 Jun 2012 01:58:59 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

🙂 Super! Thanks again.

By: happyhooligans Wed, 20 Jun 2012 01:58:39 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

Thanks, Jennifer!

By: Jennifer Wed, 20 Jun 2012 00:35:42 +0000 In reply to Jennifer.

And target if they have a pharmacy

By: Jennifer Wed, 20 Jun 2012 00:34:48 +0000 In reply to Jackie Coker.

Walmart in the pharmacy aisle by the bandaids is where I found mine

By: happyhooligans Tue, 19 Jun 2012 18:26:23 +0000 In reply to Melissa (@ChMuffinTree).

Thanks, Melissa. I’ve tried making bubbles a few times before too, and never had any luck. This recipe is by far the best one I’ve tried. 🙂

By: happyhooligans Tue, 19 Jun 2012 18:25:45 +0000 What a fun idea for a birthday party! I think you can totally get away with the straws and yarn instead of making the dowels. I just poured mine into a pyrex (glass) baking dish. We were using two of them today, a small rectangle, and a larger rectangle that they could dip big plastic bubble wands into as well. A shallow rubbermaid container would work too. The kind that I use for my water bins would be perfect, if you’ve seen those. They would allow for more children to gather around instead of the small baking dishes. I love the baking dish set up on a low table with a non-slip pad underneath. No fear of anyone tipping it over and spilling the mixture. You could do the same with a shallow rubbermaid. 🙂

By: Melissa (@ChMuffinTree) Tue, 19 Jun 2012 14:17:02 +0000 Excellent photos!(I love bubble photos) I have never had luck with bubble recipes. Some I have heard if you let them sit they will work better. I will have to try the recipe you used.

By: crystal@growingajeweledrose Tue, 19 Jun 2012 13:57:29 +0000 WOW! Those bubbles are awesome! What great fun!

By: Juliet Tue, 19 Jun 2012 11:01:42 +0000 How much would you use of the each ingredient listed?

By: happyhooligans Tue, 19 Jun 2012 10:31:06 +0000 In reply to Jackie Coker.

Hi Jackie,

I found mine at my local bulk food/natural food store, in among the cake decorating things. I’ve seen it at Walmart as well, but in larger bottles (and therefore more expensive). I have heard that corn syrup will work as well, but I haven’t tried it, so I can’t say how well it works, or if it even does. I would try a bulk food store or a Walmart type of store. Good luck! (I do know you can order it online. I think mine is Wilton brand (the cake decorating people), and I know they have a website that you can order from, so it’s probably available that way).

Cheers! Jackie

By: Jackie Coker Tue, 19 Jun 2012 04:56:44 +0000 Hi, Jackie! I had a more basic recipe for the bubbles but couldn’t do that because I couldn’t find glycerine anywhere. Do you know what stores sell it?

By: brenesflowers Tue, 19 Jun 2012 03:44:57 +0000 LOL This looks like so much fun! Too bad it’s so H?T & dry here to do such a thing! I’ll have to look through your winter play stuff!

By: Patty Tue, 19 Jun 2012 03:43:24 +0000 Love this! I have been making giant bubbles with my group for a few months now and was using JJ baby shampoo, water and glycerine. I can’t wait to try out this recipe.
