Comments on: About Jackie Currie Crafts and Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers to Tweens Thu, 14 May 2020 12:53:06 +0000 hourly 1 By: happyhooligans Mon, 30 Apr 2018 04:08:33 +0000 In reply to Sandy.

You bet! Up at the top of my blog, you’ll see a pink sign up bar. Just type your email address in there, Sandy. Thanks for hopping on board!

By: Sandy Sun, 29 Apr 2018 23:55:29 +0000 Can I subscribe to updates of your blog using email?

By: Krista Sat, 07 Apr 2018 03:02:04 +0000 Hi Jackie,
I am a stay at home mom ever since I gave birth to my son. He is 2 1/2 years old now and I just started blogging less than 2 months ago about activities for toddlers. Your website is so inspirational! I am truly a super fan!

By: Lori Sun, 26 Mar 2017 03:48:31 +0000 You’re me 10 years younger! Well, minus the business savvy. I opened my daycare in 1982 when my first son was 6 weeks old. Had my second son 19 months later. I veer away a bit here; at the birth of my 3rd child in 1990 I closed my formal daycare. My 4th was born in 1993. (Both were girls)!) i did some subbing at a local daycare and volunteered at all of their schools. In 1997 I began doing daycare again, but just for one baby as my own 4 still kept me very busy. A few years later I began homeschooling my daughters. When my youngest was approaching 18, in 2011, I began building back up to a full time daycare and today I have my group 5 days a week. Younger than the ones in most of your photos.

But the biggest thing we have in common is the passion for littles. I’ve never seen anyone else speak of them, and doing daycare, the same way I do! It’s all a joy, one I get paid for! And I make no sense at all to the vast majority of people around me- including my daycare parents, who are happy I feel this way but shake their heads in amazement too. Toys and baby supplies are my favorite things to shop for! Love creating their environment and doing activities with them.

I’ve followed your Pinterest and Facebook for some time (no idea how you have the time to do all of those!) but only today read this ‘about’ page.

By: happyhooligans Thu, 10 Nov 2016 17:00:13 +0000 In reply to Jessica.

Hi Jessica! You can post your questions on my facebook page or you can email me privately at

By: Jessica Thu, 10 Nov 2016 14:13:39 +0000 This blog helps so much with my nephew.
One thing I’m not finding is the help a follower spot. I have 2 questions that I would like an opinion on but don’t know where to post them

By: happyhooligans Wed, 16 Sep 2015 02:34:36 +0000 In reply to Emma.

Oh wow! You and your girls will have so much fun with it!

By: Emma Tue, 15 Sep 2015 13:05:50 +0000 Only just come across your blog. My house is full of little hooligans too, but they’re all mine. (Six to be exact).
Can’t wait to make the fairy mud! (I’ve had ten years of boys and now have girls!!! #glitter)

By: happyhooligans Mon, 31 Aug 2015 06:04:28 +0000 In reply to Andrea.

That’s fantastic, Andrea! I love that! Sometimes that’s all it takes – just one or two activities to get the creative juices flowing, and then the ideas just keep coming! Yay!

By: Andrea Sun, 30 Aug 2015 19:15:55 +0000 I’m so glad I found your site! I too am a mom of two. I started off as an on call nanny two years ago and now am watching toddlers full time from my home. I got a few ideas from here a month ago so thought I’d come revisit. I did cloud dough and baby bath! The kids loved it. It led me to think of my own ideas like little tykes car wash and doing different sensory tables each week. Thanks for the inspiration!

By: Aya Qudus Fri, 21 Feb 2014 06:39:05 +0000 hi..I’m a single mom with 3kids..and I love to read your blog.It’s a wonderful ideas you have that I can practice at my home.Happy to see you here,Jackie!Regards from Indonesia.

By: happyhooligans Fri, 31 Jan 2014 13:15:42 +0000 In reply to Misty from Minnesota.

You’re welcome, Misty! I’m so glad you’ve found us! Did you fine my facebook page too? I share several of my older posts there every day, so my followers can see more than what we’re just focusing on “today”. If you want, you can subscribe to my blog by email (in the right hand sidebar of my blog, there’s a field to put your email address into), and that way you’ll get my new posts in your inbox when I publish them. I usually publish 2-3 times/week. Happy to have you on board! πŸ™‚

By: Misty from Minnesota Fri, 31 Jan 2014 02:59:32 +0000 Finally……I have a found a blog written from the perspective of a family child care provider! As a home-based provider, I love what I am reading. Thank you for sharing your ideas.


By: happyhooligans Sat, 18 Jan 2014 20:36:16 +0000 In reply to April.

Hi April. It’s a good question. Blogging is definitely time consuming, and it’s something that most bloggers struggle with from time to time (or all the time). For me, my blog is a part of my business. I work 4 days a week, and I blog in the evening and on the weekend. I typically write anywhere from 1-4 blog posts per week, and ultimately, I decide how much of my personal time I put into blogging and social networking. My own boys are teenagers, and so I find myself with much more spare time than I had when they were younger. I’m also fortunate (if you want to call it that), that I thrive best on about 5 hours of sleep, so I’m a night hawk and do a lot of my blogging long after my family has called it a night. My daycare is closed wednesdays so that’s a day that I use for taking care of a lot of business-related/blogging things. All said though, I do put a lot of time into my blog, but it’s my hobby and my passion, and I love it. πŸ™‚

By: April Sat, 18 Jan 2014 13:54:32 +0000 Your blog is really beautiful and inspiring!

I am curious, if you are willing to answer, when do you find the time to blog? Caring for six children plus your own family is very time consuming and I find myself wondering, how does she do it all?!?

By: happyhooligans Wed, 15 Jan 2014 13:02:53 +0000 In reply to Pat Wood.

Thank you Pat! I’m blessed to have them in my life as well. So glad you were reminded of happy memories while you had a look around.

By: Pat Wood Tue, 14 Jan 2014 17:30:55 +0000 Your blog, crafts, recipes etc made me smile !! Im a Gramma of young adults. But they will always be my grandbabies!! Your blog brought back so many memories. I applaud you for inviting little hooligans into your home. They are blessed to have you as a surrogate Mommy and will be friends for life. Congratulations on your endeavors and ‘high fives’ all around.
Gramma Pat

By: happyhooligans Tue, 14 Jan 2014 00:58:19 +0000 In reply to Angelina Hamby.

Wow! Good for you, Angelina! So glad you liked them enough to try them!

By: Angelina Hamby Tue, 14 Jan 2014 00:42:20 +0000 I love your cute sewing crafts! Aprons and receiving blankets done here!

By: happyhooligans Sun, 12 Jan 2014 23:02:53 +0000 In reply to LuAnn Alexander.

There isn’t a download, LuAnn. As I mention in the post, I simply traced a child’s apron that I had to use as a pattern for this one. In the tutorial, I suggest that you do the same. Sorry there’s no printable. I’m not as technically advanced as to put one of those together. πŸ™‚

By: LuAnn Alexander Sun, 12 Jan 2014 22:56:14 +0000 would love to be able to dl your instructions for the repurposed denim aprons… i can’t dl the file that says is free, don’t want it on my computer, can you sent this to me in a pdf file, i can open them print it out? thanks.

By: Ula Tue, 07 Jan 2014 08:41:49 +0000 Can I just say I LOVE your creative crafty ideas!! Thank you!

By: happyhooligans Fri, 03 Jan 2014 02:22:56 +0000 In reply to Paula.

So glad you’re enjoying my posts, Paula! My own 2 are now 16 and 13, and I too am so thankful that I was at home with them during their early years. I’ll bet you love working in a toddler room. It’s so nice to be surrounded by little people when your own have grown, isn’t it? They have a way of keeping us young, don’t they?

By: Paula Thu, 02 Jan 2014 06:44:27 +0000 Hi Jackie!
Happened upon your blog today and I have bookmarked it for future reference because you have some neat ideas. You would think tat after 25 years in the field that I would have come across them all but someone out there always has a fresh, simple, inexpensive take on things that I love to try out.
I am an ECE but in the middle of my career I had my 2 kids very close together and I spent 6.5 years at home with them and provided home daycare in that time. My son is 16 and my daughter 15 and I am so blessed to have been able to stay at home with them in their formative years. Now, I am working in a toddler room. It’s my 4th school year with this age group and sometimes finding new and fun activities for them is a challenge. I will stop by often to browse…Happy New Year!

By: angangelia Sat, 14 Dec 2013 14:30:22 +0000 Hi, i had entered the wrong website for my previous comment. My blog is this

By: angangelia Sat, 14 Dec 2013 14:26:11 +0000 Dear Jackie,
I have been following your blog for a while and am always inspired by your refreshing ideas!I am a newbie at blogging but have included your posts at my blog to bless others even further. I am more of a fine arts person, so am glad to find simple and fun crafts to make apart from your stimulating activities!I also love to recycle materials for art. The children in your daycare are really blessed!!

Blessed Christmas!

By: happyhooligans Tue, 26 Nov 2013 05:03:45 +0000 In reply to Gabriela ALVAREZ ALVEAR.

Aw, same age as my younger son. There’s still a “wee” bit of baby left in them at that age, but my older son is 16, and there is no sign of a little boy left in him. πŸ™ He’s a wonderful young man, but I do so miss my cuddly days with my little boys. πŸ™‚

By: Gabriela ALVAREZ ALVEAR Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:35:04 +0000 In reply to happyhooligans.

She΄s thirteen now Jackie and her name is Elisa. She΄s already sleeping but sure she will love to know about your hooligans and your job!. Both of us love little people and animals too!. Good luck and we΄ll keep in contact!.

By: happyhooligans Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:23:56 +0000 In reply to Gabriela ALVAREZ ALVEAR.

Thank you for your kind words, Gabriela. You don’t mention how old your daughter is, but I too hold close the memories of my own boys when they were small. Mine are teenagers now, and I miss those little boys that they once were. I’m so thankful to spend my days with my daycare hooligans. I’ve been doing this so long now, I can’t really imagine not having little people around me every day. πŸ™‚

By: Gabriela ALVAREZ ALVEAR Tue, 26 Nov 2013 04:17:05 +0000 Dear Jackie,
I have just browsed those lovely posts and find them really nice!!. How I΄d love to work with children!. I have a daughter and I keep treasured moments in my mind when she was small. They are still fresh memories in me. First steps, first words, our games, etc.
How good you created these lovely hooligans group!!!!

By: happyhooligans Sun, 24 Nov 2013 20:28:10 +0000 In reply to Rita.

Aw, thank you, Rita! Your hooligans are very lucky to have you! You’re creating amazing memories with them I’m sure! Thanks for being so hands-on, and giving the opportunity to be creative. πŸ™‚

By: Rita Sun, 24 Nov 2013 18:54:15 +0000 Hello Jackie!
I just LOVE your ideas! As “the best aunt in the world” of 5 little hooligans, I really enjoy trying out your suggestions. I wish you a crafty Christmas season and look forward to get inspired πŸ™‚
Greetings from Germany!

By: Renske Sun, 03 Nov 2013 11:40:42 +0000 I am so impressed by all your ideas! I even linked your site to other parents and our daycare to inspire them too!

By: happyhooligans Fri, 04 Oct 2013 16:49:45 +0000 In reply to Kelly.

Aw, thank you Kelly! You’ve made me very happy with your comment! πŸ™‚ I love to hear that we’re inspiring others with our crafts and activities! Thanks so much for following along with us. xx

By: Kelly Fri, 04 Oct 2013 16:43:33 +0000 Such an inspirational site! I live in the UK and Childmind (which I think is the UK version of a daycare) and your ideas are fantastic!
I’m a regular visitor and also follow you on Pinterest to get my daily fix of Hooligan-ism! Thanks again for sharing your activities, you’ve made lots of children here very happy πŸ™‚

By: happyhooligans Fri, 23 Aug 2013 18:20:22 +0000 In reply to Liz.

I’m so glad you found us, Liz! And so glad you love the “hooligans” bit. Believe it or not, when I first started up my blog, I had a moment of doubt, wondering if the name Hooligans would give off a negative vibe. I actually wrote a post about it in the early days, polling my readers for their thoughts. Happily most said they loved the name, and so I stuck with it. Ironically, just today, I’ve had three people tell me that they love the name of my blog. πŸ™‚ So glad I stuck with it. Have fun looking through our crafts and activities. There are many that your granddaughter will love!

By: Liz Fri, 23 Aug 2013 16:36:16 +0000 I just happened onto your site looking for a craft with my granddaughter (8). I just love that you call the kiddos “HOOLIGANS”. Love, love, love.

By: giuli Mon, 12 Aug 2013 06:22:05 +0000 Jackie,

You have a huge fan in Mexico, I live in Guadalajara,….. and have started with homeschooling this year, I have a kid with a lot of issues; Spina Bifida, TDA, etc, But, I am sure this kind of games help my kids to love each other, find a way to share ideas to each other and of course, have lots of fun, thankyou very much, I really love your blog!!!!

By: happyhooligans Fri, 02 Aug 2013 14:36:26 +0000 In reply to jean.

Hello from your “home and native land”, Jean! I’m so glad you’re following along with us, and enjoying what we do here. πŸ™‚

By: jean Wed, 31 Jul 2013 20:44:46 +0000 As a fellow Canadian now living in England, I am loving your site! Many thanks for sharing your inspirational ideas!!

By: Anna Sun, 28 Jul 2013 07:52:50 +0000 Hi! Glad to find your site today. I can relate to and appreciate your staying home and finding alternate ‘work’ in order to do so. My boys are 9, 7, and 4, and I wonder what I will do (back to work?) when they are all in school, as I have always enjoyed being home with them. Well, I have found inspiration in your writing, and I thank you for that!

By: happyhooligans Sat, 13 Jul 2013 12:09:08 +0000 In reply to Mary Jacobs.

I can’t tell you how much your comment moved me, Mary. I actually had a little cry when I read it. When I began blogging, I hoped to simply provide moms and carers with fresh, new, fun activities. Never did I think that I would be “changing lives around the world”. When I sit and think about it, I can’t even put into words what that means to me. Thank YOU, Mary, for following along and putting our ideas into action in your small corner of the world. You too, are a blessing to those children who have you in their lives. And thank you for taking the time to leave such a moving comment. I will hold your words near and dear to my heart. xx

By: Mary Jacobs Fri, 12 Jul 2013 21:43:37 +0000 Hi Jackie,

My name is Mary Jacobs. I am a retired Naval Chief, but you wouldn’t believe it now. I retired to Puerto Vallarta Mexico and started providing free weekly art classes to the marvelous children in my neighborhood, ages five to fourteen years old. I am finally doing what I love with all my heart. I am enthralled with what you are doing with the sensory art for children under five and think you’re amazing.

I would love to start a sensory art class for the children in my neighborhood ages three to four years old in October. I believe those ages are really when you can get the creativity absolutely live and well to help with problem-solving and out of the box thinking as adolescents and adults, while improving self-esteem.

Thank you so much for creating this blog. I would like to fashion my classes similar to many of the projects you have provided. Your details of how to make it work out are impeccable and easy to follow. So this note is just to say thank you, thank you, thank you. Your changing lives for the better every week around the world.

Mary Jacobs

I post pictures each week of the lessons that I have done already with the 41 children that currently come to a one hour class each week. 21 one day and 20 the next. If you type in Mary Jacobs and Puerto Vallarta, I’m the only one you will find. I’d love to be your friend because I am surely going to be posting pictures of the sensory art classes, when they start. I don’t think more than six or seven would be good for the little people five and under. Could you let me know how many children, max, would work if the parents are watching and there is only one facilitator? I wouldn’t want to fail them by having too many at a time.

By: happyhooligans Thu, 11 Jul 2013 03:43:01 +0000 In reply to chante.

Hi, Pat! So glad you’ve found us. It sounds like our activities will be great for you. I try to do all of our crafts and activities with a small budget in mind, but try to make them as engaging and fun as I can. And thank you for the link! I love Made by Joel! He is so artistic and creative!

By: chante Tue, 09 Jul 2013 22:03:13 +0000 Dear Jackie, I have just found your blog, I found it’s so great, I am a French mum of 2, with not much budget and love to create games with the kids. I admire your job (daycare) as my mum used to be a fantastic home childminder, and it seems you are the same kind. Sure you bring a lot, hat off, such love that kids will always remember.
Here a web of a very inspiring crafty man, you might know him already:

All the best, warm wishes from Oxford, go on, go on


By: Christella Morris Tue, 02 Jul 2013 21:02:42 +0000 Just found your blog! You’re so close to me, too! Great blog and some great ideas!

By: happyhooligans Thu, 23 May 2013 18:29:44 +0000 In reply to Emily Jacobsen.

You’re welcome, Emily! Thanks for dropping me a line. I’m so glad you’re putting our activities into action with the little one in your care! Have fun with the puffy paint!

By: Emily Jacobsen Thu, 23 May 2013 04:57:41 +0000 thank you so much for this blog, i love it! i just started nannying a two year old and we painted on the glass door with shaving cream she loved it and so did i. thank you for the good idea, i cant wait to try more, we are doing the homemade puffy paint next week. πŸ™‚

By: Cathy Wed, 24 Apr 2013 22:46:15 +0000 Oops! Spell check turned ‘Ideas’ into ‘Idas’……….sorry!

By: Cathy Wed, 24 Apr 2013 22:44:30 +0000 As an elementary special education teacher I am always looking for fun Ida’s to make lessons ‘come alive’. Thank you for sharing such wonderful ideas!

By: megan Sat, 13 Apr 2013 12:35:50 +0000 love your ideas! Thanks!

By: pegges Thu, 14 Feb 2013 02:26:37 +0000 hey .. I nominated you and your blog πŸ™‚ check it out

By: happyhooligans Sat, 02 Feb 2013 23:22:04 +0000 In reply to Heidi.

Hi, Heidi!

So glad you’ve found us, and I’m really happy that you’re going to try out our ideas! Let me know what you try, and how it goes at your house

By: Heidi Sat, 02 Feb 2013 17:39:28 +0000 Just found your blog! Love it! Thanks for the great ideas you posted! I’m excited to try them out with my 3!

By: happyhooligans Mon, 14 Jan 2013 12:43:03 +0000 In reply to Small but Oh Oh.

Thank you! I’m so glad you’re enjoying my blog! It’s so nice to know we’re inspiring others in the childcare field! Good luck wih your studies! You’ve chosen a wonderful and rewarding path in life. πŸ™‚

By: Small but Oh Oh Mon, 14 Jan 2013 04:29:03 +0000 I love this site! I work in childcare, and currently studying for my Diploma.This blog has helped me so much.

By: Shauna Sun, 13 Jan 2013 15:04:59 +0000 Wow! What a fantastic collection of ideas! I have a home daycare where we are all about play, animals, and crafts- but I never have time to do pictures and post it all- I don’t know how you have time for your great blog! You can meet my gang at I’m so excited to have your blog for ideas for more crafts- I find myself tending to use a lot of the same ideas several years in a row. Glad for some fresh inspiration! I have always wanted to keep a blog on my Art page with all their projects, but I just can’t find the time. Glad someone did! Such cute things, and on a realistic budget!

By: happyhooligans Wed, 09 Jan 2013 15:01:24 +0000 In reply to Julie Membrey.

Hi Julie! So glad you found us by chance. Perfect timing! I’m so happy that you love our ideas. Hope you can find lots of inspiration in the pages of my blog, and in the activities to come. Thanks so much for dropping me a line and for following along! Stay cool!!

By: Julie Membrey Wed, 09 Jan 2013 11:32:34 +0000 Hi there!! greetings from a very hot Western Australia! I have only just come upon your blog by chance and love the way you are thinking of us here in the very hot Land Down Under. I teach 4/5 year olds and have always loved opportunities to allow little ones to experiment and wonder especially outside. Your work with the Hooligans is inspirational . Thank you sooooo much. God Bless Julie

By: Ann Fri, 16 Nov 2012 00:20:03 +0000 Hi Jackie,

I’m a new blogger and am delighted to have come across your blog. The site is beautiful and your ideas are right up my alley. I am so inspired by what I’ve seen here so far. I’m excited to do some of your activities with my kids!

All the best from a fellow Canadian and home daycare provider.

By: happyhooligans Fri, 09 Nov 2012 05:08:50 +0000 Hi Teri! So nice to hear from another like-minded carer from Ontario! It sounds like you are just as passionate as I am about working with little ones. It’s such a rewarding way to spend our days, isn’t it?
I’m thrilled that you’re loving our ideas! I love knowing that we’re inspiring others at home!
Best wishes to you and the little ones you care for! x

By: Teri Thu, 08 Nov 2012 22:28:24 +0000 Hello Jackie πŸ™‚ My name is Teri. I love your site and have ‘liked’ your page on Facebook (where I first came across you and your little Hooligans).
Children are my passion. πŸ˜€ I have often thought about opening my own home daycare in Toronto. I have my degree in Early Childhood Education from Ryerson.
I currently play with, learn from and care for a young girl who just turned two while her parents are at work, as well as four other families part time. Ironically, I just finished eating some poms’ what the little girl calls pomegranates and I use a similar method to get them out as you posted. They are a super fruit but I had been vary of them at the grocery store…her Nana (Grandma) showed me how to open them up under water and I was amazed with all the tiny poms and how little time it took.
It is great to see another passionate caregiver who believes in the importance of learning through play πŸ™‚ I cannot wait to tell the little girl (for privacy purposes I do not use her name) about your site and to try out some of your amazing craft ideas! Loved the bird bath ice skating rink!
Miles of smiles!

By: happyhooligans Mon, 05 Nov 2012 02:46:01 +0000 In reply to Maria.

You’re welcome, Maria. Best wishes to you as you head back into the working world! How wonderful that you were able to be at home with your boys during their early years. How old are they now? Best wishes to you as you head back to work!

By: Maria Sat, 03 Nov 2012 22:21:44 +0000 Hello Jackie! Thanks so much for sharing all your wonderful crafts and projects. I’m a mum of 2 wonderful boys and a princess who has stayed at home since they were born, but in january I have to go back to work although I wish I shouldn’t, because now is when I’m enjoying more with the kids. I wish I had the strengh to do like you. Congratulations!!

By: happyhooligans Sat, 03 Nov 2012 13:19:20 +0000 In reply to Theresa.

Theresa, your comment means the world to me. Thank you. x

By: Theresa Fri, 02 Nov 2012 21:44:54 +0000 Jackie, I love everything you do with the kids. I taught 1st grade for 24 years and just this year switched over to our districts preschool program that is High Scope driven. Everything you do seems to be what High Scope would look for in a great teacher. I will be follwing your ideas and borrowing most of them in my preschool room, love it. Thank you.

By: happyhooligans Sat, 06 Oct 2012 00:59:04 +0000 In reply to Gail.

Aw, thanks, Gail! Sorry, but I’m in Ontario, Canada. Thank you so much for your kind words, and for taking the time to drop me a line! Hopefully you’ll continue to follow along, and we’ll continue to inspire you! We’re on facebook too, so you can follow along there and see all the stuff that doesn’t make it to the blog. πŸ™‚ Cheers!

By: Gail Fri, 05 Oct 2012 20:33:02 +0000 I stumbled across your blog b/c my crafty sister sent me a link to a cool project of yours that she was going to try with her girls .. and I love it! People probably ask you this all the time, but where is your home daycare based? It looks so awesome I wish it were in my area (suburban Washington DC). πŸ™‚ Tx for a great blog – love to visit! -Gail

By: happyhooligans Mon, 10 Sep 2012 18:36:37 +0000 Thank you, Diane! I’m sure you have countless memories of your years with your little people. I personally can’t think of a more rewarding career! How lovely that you’re still dedicated to giving to little ones with your hats! Enjoy your retirement!

By: Gracen’s {2nd} Backyard Birthday Bash « Mama. Papa. Bubba. Wed, 05 Sep 2012 23:18:06 +0000 […] went on and the bubble solution got handled more and more, the better the bubbles got (just like Jackie from Happy Hooligans said it would).  Our resident bubble expert, Jordan, was not only able to put […]

By: happyhooligans Fri, 10 Aug 2012 03:40:35 +0000 In reply to Shirlene.

Emailed you with all the details, this morning, Shirlene. Feel free to drop me a line anytime. πŸ™‚

By: Shirlene Thu, 09 Aug 2012 09:47:24 +0000 Jackie r u happy to share where u live. I notice six chn in some shots. I work from home also but am only allowed four chn up to school age. Thx for your inspirational ideas and sharing the fun you have with your hooligans

By: happyhooligans Tue, 19 Jun 2012 10:38:40 +0000 In reply to Baby Bath Station « Mama. Papa. Bubba..

Thanks so much for the shout-out in your post! I love how your daughter climbed right into the “tub” with her baby!

By: Baby Bath Station « Mama. Papa. Bubba. Tue, 19 Jun 2012 06:41:10 +0000 […] was beyond thrilled when I stumbled upon Happy Hooligans a couple of weeks ago.  Jackie, the woman behind the blog runs an in-home daycare and is all about old-fashioned play, open-ended […]

By: happyhooligans Sun, 22 Jan 2012 18:10:27 +0000 In reply to Pocket Perspectives.

Thanks for your lovely note, Kathy. Yes, time does fly. I can’t believe my boys are as old as they are already, and that those little boys that they once were are gone. Well, not “GONE”, but you know…morphed into young men. I really miss the little boys that they were. I’m blessed though to have the Hooligans with me every day, to keep me in that little kid world, because to me, it is absolutely the best place on earth to be!
I consider myself blessed as well to have found all of these wonderful “friends” with the same passion for little people in this wonderful blogosphere. I’m so happy that I’ve discovered your blog. I’ve shared it will my readers, and with my friends and family. Thank you for your beautifully inspiring messages!
Keep in touch!

By: Pocket Perspectives Sun, 22 Jan 2012 17:31:03 +0000 Hi Jackie…ah ha….so all those little ones aren’t your very “own” kids…but, of course, are “your” kids throughout the day! What wonderfully, creative activities you have for them…isn’t it a wonderful thing to get to spend time with little ones?…so much laughter and joy…and of course tears and hurts too… : ) I love the mud photos along the sides of your blog….isn’t mud just sooooo much fun??? My daughter used to take great joy in mud…one of her favorites was to add every findable leaf/stick/rock/clump of dirt etc to a big bucket of water and to call it “yucky stew”…she took great pleasure in her concoctions and so did we. And your boys are 11 and 14….my time does fly by, doesn’t it? I love the expressions on their faces…what a special family you have. : ) Kathy

By: autumn mama Mon, 28 Nov 2011 21:02:58 +0000 hey there ! just happened upon your blog and thought i would say hi to a fellow dayhome provider — and another Canadian no less — what an inspired space you have created here ….. much light and peace to you πŸ™‚

By: happyhooligans Mon, 14 Nov 2011 12:15:41 +0000 In reply to Lesley.

Thanks, Lesley. Glad you’re picking up some new ideas here! Gotta love this great big blog-world of sharing!! How did we ever survive without it! lol

By: Lesley Mon, 14 Nov 2011 05:51:20 +0000 Hey jackie, great profile, i have to get round to doing that. I totally agree with your philosophy and am blown away by all the activities and new ideas I am getting from your site.

By: RITA Sat, 15 Oct 2011 03:05:26 +0000 HI JACKIE,

By: happyhooligans Fri, 30 Sep 2011 10:14:39 +0000 In reply to Janire.

Hi Janire! I started it out the same way; one child in addition to my own, and it gradually grew bigger. I didn’t have this wonderful network of bloggers to inspire and motivate me back then. It is so nice today to have all these resources at our fingertips! Best of luck with your family child care! It really is such a rewarding life path to be on. :).

By: Janire Fri, 30 Sep 2011 04:23:24 +0000 When I read your profile. I love it. I am in the same path with the difference that I am starting. I have two boys (Mateo 9 moths, Lucas 25 moths) and I watch one kid and I am in the process to open my family child care. Inspired and really good ideas.

By: happyhooligans Wed, 21 Sep 2011 02:05:54 +0000 In reply to Natalia Holm.

So glad that you are much happier now too. It’s so rewarding working with little people! And they’re so much easier to please than “grown ups”. lol

By: Natalia Holm Tue, 20 Sep 2011 00:15:20 +0000 Hola Jackie!!! Mi historia es parecida, trabajι 5 aρos en el banco de la Naciσn Argentina, y hoy soy una feliz maestra de pre escolares. Dios te bendiga!! Gracias por compartir tu experiencia
